I served as dramaturg and French language coach for this queer feminist horror play exploring the real (and not-so-real) relationship between Madame Tussaud and Marie Antoinette. (Jody Christopherson, 2021-2023)
I served as dramaturg and French language coach for this queer feminist horror play exploring the real (and not-so-real) relationship between Madame Tussaud and Marie Antoinette. (Jody Christopherson, 2021-2023)
I translated Eva Doumbia's Autophagies from French into English and produced the US premiere productions of the English language version in a multi-city tour. (Cie La Part du Pauvre/Nana Triban, 2019-2023)
I adapted and directed Wilfrid Lupano's Le Loup en slip (The Wolf in Underpants) as a bilingual, family-friendly performance for My French Book Fest. (Alliance Française of New Orleans, 2022)
I programmed a French robotic voice to guide participants through the interactive, long-distance theater experience of Mille Chemins, Partie Un. (600 HIGHWAYMEN, 2021)
I was a member of the three-person research & development team that created this documentary theater project about the lives of convicted sex offenders in Miracle Village, Florida. (Life Jacket Theatre Company, 2015-2018)
I wrote this living room play meets coming-of-age story and co-produced a one-night run at Dixon Place in NYC with Emma Kimball. (2016-2017)